Carbon Emission Reduction Calculator

FilmTack ® Carbon Emission Reduction Calculator (CERC) For Architectural Air-conditioning Systems


Mean of Daily-High Temperature1:
Mean of Daily-Average Temperature1:
Mean of Daily-Low Temperature1:

Fixed Variable 1: FILMTACK ® Window Film Type: PERFECT 70
Visible Light Transmission VLT2: Clear, above 70% visible light transmission
Shading Coefficient SC3: 0.60
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC3: 0.52
Fixed Variable 2: Window/Glazing
Glass Type4: Clear, Single Pane
Tinted Fenestration Coverage5: 35% of side walls
Fixed Variable 3: Air-conditioning Load
Target temperature6: 24 °C

RESULT: Conservative Carbon Emission Reduction Estimate

Other Factors:

This is a conservative estimate of Carbon Emission Reduction for air-conditioning systems based on technical specifications of a SC 0.60 window films. Other factors of Air-conditioning energy efficiency includes climate conditions, window framing, wall coverings, room air-leakages, glass type, internal shading of windows(curtains, blinds), exterior shading of building, etc

The CERC results of window films installation is also expected to be exponentially higher for:

  1. Various climatic factors such as mean temperatures, seasonal windspeeds, possible sunshine hours, geographical altitude, etc are used for estimating the peak solar gain on glazings.
  2. For daylight applications and minimum daylight loss, VLT >70% films are used in the computer stimulation.
  3. Equivalent SC & SHGC of mainstream non-reflective low-e Double-glass with inert argon gas.
  4. Results are not provided for darker glass, dual-panes, other thickness or other insulated glass because tinting on such glazings are usually not recommended and the optical properties and thermal insulations of these products varies among different manufacturers.
  5. Based on 2012 International Energy Conservation Code, the fenestration area is limited to 40% of the wall area, if ≥50% of the floor area is in a daylight zone and glazing is above 1.1 for VT/SHGC ratio.
  6. Optimum indoor temperature for air-conditioning is set at 24 °C according to WWF recommendation.
Important Disclaimer

The CERC results are tabulated from computer stimulations of energy consumption reduction in air-conditioning systems after the installation of window films, using proprietary green-building software, co-developed with Japanese counterparts. Over 11 million Japanese Yen has been contributed by FILMTACK PTE LTD to fund the development of this system over the 18-months period and we will continue to include more territories, once sufficient daily climate data are available.

Please kindly note that these results are provided for comparison purpose and in no means, guarantee any specific performance due to the wide array of factors involved in the calculation of carbon emission reduction. Neither, FILMTACK PTE LTD, nor its representatives, affiliates or any person acting on behalf of FILMTACK PTE LTD, makes any form of guaranteed representations or warranties, whether expressly or implied, based on the CERC results, including data accuracy and performance guidance of any specific product’s merchantability, usage and fitness of a particular purpose. Neither, FILMTACK PTE LTD, nor its representatives, affiliates or any person acting on behalf of FILMTACK PTE LTD shall be liable for any form of losses or damages, in contract, performance expectation of product, tort or whatsoever due to reliance and/or usage of the CERC results, in whole or in part, by any entity or person for any reason.